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The Attack

The Attack - Yasmina Khadra, John Cullen I live in an Islamic country. I have some Muslim friends. By friends, I mean real ones that I can count on them whenever I need their help. They say their prayers, observe Ramadan and one of them wears Chador. But they have one special characteristic that is so important for me: They are open minded people. They read contemporary as well as classics, Islamic literature as well as American literature, the Quran as well as The Satanic verses! I feel quite comfortable when I speak or even live with them. When I asked them, well you have read so many books about other religions and so many skepticism books, so why then are you still remain Muslim?! Most of the times, they would answer: " We grew up with these beliefs and they are now part of our existence, it's just easier to follow them because we use to live by this way of living." I am sure they are not blind followers, their beliefs are personal and politically we have same viewpoints.

Nobody can stand a dogmatic person, even for a second. Islam is such a religion that is mixed up with everything. Its instructions begin from the smallest personal life issue to the important political decisions. Each Muslim should follow a special Imam. When someone believes in Islam, he or she actually accepts not only Allah as his/her god but also his/her whole life and society based on this religion. According to Islam, one who doesn't accept Jihad is not a true believer. Which means a true believer is someone who is ready for every kind of call of war that Imams order. So, a Muslim is more likely to be a dogmatic person. In an Islamic country there's no freedom of speech for people who are not Muslim or even believe in another branch of Islam.

Today, the last Friday of Ramadan, is International Quds Day. Hundreds of Iranians march against Israel and express solidarity with the Palestinian people. Government sends help to Palestine and Israel is probably very scared of Iran's atomic activity.

This is a war of dogma, terrorizing and destroying. More than 60 years of fighting for a piece of land?! Why can't they come to a compromise?! Al-Aqsa Mosque or Solomon's Temple?! Yasmina Khadra, wrote this book considering both sides of the war with conversations between the protagonist, Dr. Amin Jafaari, and Islamic characters, exploring the real reason that how someone could come to the point that could leave all her dreams and burst herself in a public place. This book is about war, terror and also love. How can a lover become a suicide bomber?!...